Friday, February 12, 2010

when life gives you snow...

...make ice cream!

On Thursday, I was on the phone with my grandmother and I was telling her about all the snow in Dallas. She told me (maybe jokingly?) that I could make snow ice cream like she used to. Well, I guess we never got enough snow growing up because I had never made snow ice cream. But I quickly Googled a couple of recipes (um...there are actual recipes complete with measurements out there), read a story about how you shouldn't eat the snow now because of all the smog and pollution in our world today, and decided to take a chance.

I didn't follow a recipe, just added ingredients until I was happy... :)


Jennifer said...

How did it taste? Are those chocolate chips in there?

elizabeth said...

Yeah, it was actually good! Kind of reminded me of homemade ice cream. And yep...chocolate chips in there...never too much chocolate! :)